Dictionary Documentation

A Xenakis Dictionary

This dictionary aims at providing definition of concepts in the practice and thinking of Iannis Xenakis. While the focus is on Xenakis’s own terms, the dictionary also includes terms and concepts introduced by specialists, deemed valuable in understanding Xenakis’s philosophy and practice of composition. The aim is twofold: firstly, to provide clear definitions for readers not familiar with Xenakis’s work, and secondly, to allow room for authors to include their own interpretation of these concepts, thus addressing the more interested reader. Overall, the dictionary addresses the academic research community, composers, musicians, architects, and Xenakis enthusiasts. Each entry aims to strike a balance between rigorous presentation and accessible content.

— Dimitris Exarchos

List of entries
How to cite

EXARCHOS, Dimitris, ed. 2023. A Xenakis Dictionary. Association Les Amis de Xenakis.