24-29 May, 2022 : International Symposium Xenakis In Greece

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Iannis Xenakis, a large symposium of five days will be organized in the country where the Franco-Greek composer and architect grew up. Organized by the Kapodistria University of Athens, the University of Paris 8 and our association Les Amis de Xenakis, this great event will […]

Symposium in Vienna from 19 21 May 2022 « Xenakis: back to the roots »

For three days, the Fanny Hensel Hall and Sound Theater will host lectures and electroacoustic concerts of Iannis Xenakis. Program : May 19, 2022, Sound Theater   3:00 p.m Opening: Nikolaus Urbanek 3:30 p.m Laura Zattra: Archives, Sources, persons and personae in the Art of Sounds of the XX-XXI century 4:30 p.m Michelle Ziegler: Lost, Uncharted, […]

Study day in tribute to Xenakis in Paris on 12 May

A study day will happen in Paris organised by le Centre d’analyse et de mathématique sociales in Paris. It will focus on Xenakis, mathematics and informatics. All day long, there will be talks with various and qualitative guests. The study day will be in French language. Free entrance. Booking is mandatory.More infos (french website).

Le Centquatre-Paris will play Légende d’Eer by Xenakis on May 8, 2022

The INA Grm will give several concerts at Le Centquatre on the weekend of May 7 and 8, 2022. The INA’s Groupe de Recherches Musicales (INA grm) is a unique sound experimentation laboratory. For more than 60 years, it has been developing creation and research activities in the field of sound and electroacoustic music. La […]

6-8th May 2022 :Concerts at La Maison de la Radio, Paris

In 2022, the Maison de la Radio will host concerts featuring the music of Iannis Xenakis.

April 19th, a concert at Université Paris 8 with works of Xenakis

April 2022 On Tuesday April, 19th at 7am : Concert at Université de Paris 8, Xenakis œuvres:Iannis Xenakis : Pour la Paix (for narrators, chorus and UPIC tape)Voyage absolu des Unari vers Andromède (UPIC tape)Nuits (12 voices a cappella)Dmaathen (oboes and percussion)Paille in the wind (cello and piano) Vocal Group Soli Tutti,Direction Denis GautheyrieSpatialisation Paul GoutmannStudents of University de Paris 8 Address […]

Tribute to Xenakis: Concert in Bâle on 12th April

The La Hochschule für Musik FHNW in Bâle will host a concert on 12th April at 8 pm. The following œuvres will be played: Persephassa (1969), Pléïades (1978), Okho (1989), Zythos (1997). Xenakis : viele Schlagzeugklänge zu seinem hundertsten Geburtstag Concept and direction: Christian Dierstein and Ronan Gil de MoraisStudents of Hochschule für Musik FHNWTrombone: Adrián Albaladejo Díaz The concert will be […]

8-9-10 April: Concert at Hamburg: Postbank Percussion Project

Text from the organization: Percussion, dance and experimental installations – an experience for ear and eye, unique and extraordinary. Persephassa, Psappha, Rebond A and B Compositions for percussion instruments, Iannis Xenakis Dates: April 8th | 7 pm April 9th | 7 pm April 10th | 6 pm Location: Former Postbank building, Überseering 26, 22297 Hamburg […]

1st April in The Hague: Orient-Occident played in acousmatic

31 MARCH – 1 APRIL 2022: Treasures from the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale, GRM, Luigi Nono, and Sonology Archives. This two-dat programme are organised in collaboration with the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale in Padova, the Archivio Luigi Nono in Venice and the Groupe de Recherches Musicales in Paris. It consists of acousmatic (versions of) works by Henk Badings, Beatriz Ferreyra, Luigo Nono, Teresa Rampazzi, Jean-Claude Risset and Iannis Xenakis, and a compilation of […]

1er avril à La Haye : Orient-Occident diffusé en spatialisation sonore au Conservatoriumzaal Amare

Dans le cadre d’une série de trois concerts de sonologie, ayant lieu du 30 mars au 1er avril 2022, différents acteurs participeront à un soirée de spatialisation sonore à 360 degrés le 1er avril :Le Centro di Sonologia Computazionale de Padova, l’Archivio Luigi Nono de Veniseet l’Ina Groupe de Recherches Musicales. Cette spatialisation sonore présentera des œuvres de Henk Badings, Beatriz […]